We were very lucky to have our very special guest Sardine staying with us over the festive season. Again, the only pics I can find are from our celebrations. We celebrated x-mas with a whole bunch of Aussies and a 40 year old turkey here in Thurles. The turkey was actually a 40 Euro turkey but through drunken mumbling the word spread that the turkey was 40 years old. Strangely not too many of us felt very hungry on x-mas day! We celebrated New Years with a dinner at a restaurant in Dublin followed by a few more drinks at Kylie and Aram's place. We undertook a couple of day trips in between x-mas and New Years to Galway, Kilkenny, Dublin and Glendalough in the Wicklow Mountains (
http://www.visitwicklow.ie). Glendalough I thought has been the most spectacular area in Ireland that I have visited so far. We had gail force winds the day we drove up to the Wicklow Mountains and the drive was at times very scary but once we arrived at our destination the weather temporarily cleared up for us and we went for a walk along the old celtic ruins and cemetery.It was that rainy and windy on the way up the mountains that I actually thought we were in the eye of the storm when we walked along the ruins which added to the already very eerie feeling up there. Sardine took loads of pictures. I will post some as soon as I get some sent. Until then check out the above website to get an idea...

Sardine and Breeza.

Darryn playing with the horse mask looking like a smurf.

Richie & Dave.

Col, Darryn, Harold, Sardine & I.

The scream.

Wen, Col, Marty and Leah. Marty and Col are also known as the twins with the ten year gap, sort of... Marty is Col's shift boss.

Sardine & Harold.

Husband & wife.

Aram, Kylie, Col (nice face!), Sardine & I.

How to drink an Espresso Martini through a straw...

Kylie & Col.