Finaly finishing off the croatian report, seems such a long time ago already. Things are still kicking along in old Blighty and bracing ourselves for the long dark winter. Hope you enjoy the snaps.
A nice little shop in Pula dedicated to? Yep they sure know how to work the customers there.
Out on the bay,doing nothing in particular just going with the flow..
Our commission beast for the day. The Dragons head. Spent most of the day cruising the bay and chasing off donkeys, or as they call them adriatic taxis. Got the feeling some wierd stuff has occured on this boat.
Once we chased off the locals it was time to chill on the beach and throw some rocks at the birds.
Ooops wrong bird. But as you can see the water was tops except for the entrance which was all rocks and tough on the feet. Recommend that you take a pair of tevas or dive booties if you having a day on the bay.

Yep get to split and the italian swailors were there in full force. Nice boat though but would'nt put any money on that one to come up tops in any modern day skirmish.

Arrival in Havar and some serious super boats already there cueing up for the cocktails.

You just can't shake the locals always hunting for a smoke or a stray can of beer.Tried to bribe this fella with some money and food but he just made some wierd noises and tried to eat the camera. Stupid ass.

Ha well once the mule took off we broke out the beer but the camera was still having problems thanks to donkey dribble.
Once we left Pula a nice windy 2 hour bus ride took us to Rjeka so we could jump ship and get down to Split so we could then attack the island of Havar and their famous cocktails. This is the ferrry we overnighted on for the first part of the journey.
Arrival in Havar and some serious super boats already there cueing up for the cocktails.
Ha struck gold lucky the thirsty millionairs can't handle their drink to well. So we settled in for the afternoon and slowly tanked up.
Say no more if you go to Havar hit the Cocktail bars and all you troubles will be gone. Except for the camera focus one.

And you don't even have to talk to the opposite sex if your on the prowl for they set up places like this to do all the talking for you..

And you don't even have to talk to the opposite sex if your on the prowl for they set up places like this to do all the talking for you..
View from our casa watchin the gypsies getting chased out of town.
Just would'nt be the beach if there was'nt a dog drinking the salt water. Ummm.

Nice thirsty sunset.

Day three adventure day. Hired some scooters to have a nice plesent ride around Hvar. Only it turned out like the Dakar challenge as the short cruise turned into a 7 hour slog thanks to some miss read map and mileage info. No names mentioned.

Yep sure is a big island and when we got to where we thought we were going{which was infact 20 km behind us} the old scooters were nearly out of juice and no a petrol station to be seen.
Luckily a nice old fella in a fishing boat gave us enough fuel to make our way back to civilisation.
Sorry bout that Izz.

Yep after a day like that time to hit the bottle. Check out the size of that cocktail. Not to mention the straws.
A few of the Hvar ferals.There was quite a tribe of them hanging out at the minskip searching for any tasty discards. Cool cats they would do anything for a feed.

Back in Split and a bit of ancient action. Think that the romans were responsible for this assembly of rubble.

Picked up a svenirnica while I was there. Good price.

Main Square in Zagreb. Old..

Market action Zagreb. Famous for their lace work.

Some more art near the bus stop .. well worth checking out.

Not bad eh??

The cathedral in Zagreb. All in all we both had a great time where ever we went and totaly recommend that a holiday down in croatia can be nothing but fun. People were great and the food and drink aok. Starting to really feel the flood gates of tourism opening so get in while you can. So hopefuly in the near future I can post up on another option for adriatic travel on my recenntly returned trip to Albania.
Yep after a day like that time to hit the bottle. Check out the size of that cocktail. Not to mention the straws.
Back in Split and a bit of ancient action. Think that the romans were responsible for this assembly of rubble.
Picked up a svenirnica while I was there. Good price.
Main Square in Zagreb. Old..
Market action Zagreb. Famous for their lace work.
Some more art near the bus stop .. well worth checking out.
Not bad eh??
The cathedral in Zagreb. All in all we both had a great time where ever we went and totaly recommend that a holiday down in croatia can be nothing but fun. People were great and the food and drink aok. Starting to really feel the flood gates of tourism opening so get in while you can. So hopefuly in the near future I can post up on another option for adriatic travel on my recenntly returned trip to Albania.
Hope you like it Ciao for now. CT.