Friday, 21 November 2008

Back in Oz

It took us a while to get over the jetlag but apart from that, we sailed back into life down under very smoothly. We are still based in the Currumbin Valley with Tyler and Sally and absolutley loving it down here. The house looks amazing and stays nice & cool while it is only 10min to the Currumbin beach. Yesterday we got hit very hard by a hail storm but compared to the damage it has caused in Brisbane, we got off very lightly and actually enjoyed watching the storm brewing up. So far we nearly had a storm every night, which is great news as the dams are filling up (60-90%) and the water tanks are overflowing. Unfortunately our time here as housemates is coming to and an end and beginning of December we will be moving back to our old stomping grounds in Paddington/ Rosalie (Brisbane). Check our new flat out online if you have time... Guess the best feature is the huge deck, which overlooks Paddington and the city.

Our soon to be living room...

At Sally & Tyler's. The inside outside deck.

Currumbin Beach.

The growing bump at 6 1/2 months...

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Good Bye London!!!!!!!

Here a couple of pictures of last night's good bye gathering. Bear made sure to send us of with a massive fireworks display of 61 rockets that received a standing ovation from our neighbours!This was great as we more kind of expected the cops to be called... the video of the fireworks display will be aired on the fix soon!
Sooooooo, our journey here is coming to an end and in just a couple of hours we will be airborn for Singapore, also known as Sin-city. Well that is if Col will be let on the plane with his clean-look passport that got accidently washed yesterday! After a moment of panic, Col had the brilliant idea to iron page by page, which hopefully did the trick. I think I would have just chucked the passport on the heater while hoping for the best. Nothing like a bit of last minute excitement. Apart from that, the packing went smoothly and I just cant believe that in less than 24 hours we will be hit with some hot humid air in the face. Southern Hemisphere, here we come!

Good bye Landor Rd!!!! See you all very soon...

Col ironing his passport... I remember a similar inicdent before Splendour in the Grass!

El Carnival! 61 rockets, lighting up the Clapham sky.

And the group mong! Byeeeeeeee!!!!!