It's been a while since I updated our blog, so here a swineload of pictures from the last 2 months. Emma can sit now and has also discovered the jollyjumper. No crawling yet and I hope that she will take her time as our life is truly going to change, once this little terror will be mobile. Her eyesight has improved loads and I hardly notice her wobbly eyes anymore. Maybe I am just used to it now... sometimes one of her eyes keeps turning inwards, but again, I find that this is also definitvely improving. Guess she is as normal as can be, coming from us mutated parents. All in all life is great and you just cant beat the Queensland winter. The weather has been incredible and I dont know what I was thinking when unpacking my boots and coats. They are going straight back into the box!
Enjoy the pics (unfortunately not in chronological order but the pics where Emma is wearing a white t-shirt were taken yesterday).
Ciao for now!!!