Friday, 26 September 2008

More babies...

Big congratulations to Col's sister ,Wendy, who gave birth to little baby Hamish yesterday. All went well and Hamish touched ground in Houston hospital wihout any complications weighing in at 2.7kg. Hopefully we get to visit in just a couple of weeks and Hamish will be on his best behaviour...

Wendy & Hamish
Sarah & Hamish

Thursday, 25 September 2008

20-week scan

We finally had the soooo anticipated 20-week scan yesterday. The baby has now all its organs, brain, bones etc well formed and can now relax and just concentrate on putting some more weight on until birth (hmmm... not too much please!). We looked very intensly to find out the baby's sex because Col and I really wanted to know wether to speak to a girl or boy in there but the little one decided not to show its bits. It kept its legs firmly crossed with the umbilical nicely squeezed in between. Guess this could be a very good indication in itself, but who knows... The main thing is that the bub is healthy and judging by its kicks that I am now receiving esp in the mornings and evenings it is having a ball in there.
Other big news are that Col and I have both resigned from our jobs and are now in the process of planning our trip back to Oz. At the moment we are thinking to head back in mid-November but no flights have been booked yet as we are contemplating to fly via Houston (Texas) to visit Col's sister Wendy who is in labour as I am writing this.
Will keep you posted on the developments...

Tuesday, 23 September 2008

Here the last update...

I promise I won't bore you for much longer with these tables... cause this is it! We cant take any more bets as we will hopefully find out the baby's sex tomorrow at the 20-week scan. Fingers crossed that the baby is well and we might head back to Oz soon.

Lots of love to you all,
Isa xxx

Thursday, 18 September 2008

Belly update

Here my belly at 19 weeks. Most people tell me that I am still tiny but I am being offered seats in the tube, which must mean that I am not that tiny anymore after all.... People over here fight for their seat in the tube!
Today I had my first meeting with an obstetrician and I could listen to the Baby's heart beat for the first time which was very exciting. I could have easily listened for an hour. All was good and it looks like there is really a little something in that belly. I must say that it still seems very surreal to me and I am looking forward to feeling the movements of the baby soon to really believe that it is all happening.
Next week we will go for the 20 week scan. I will keep you posted and hopefully get an other good ultrasound picture.

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Tuesday, 2 September 2008

Familie Ponx

Here some pictures that my brother emailed me of his last holiday to France to visit my granny in Britanny. Faris, the latest edition to the Pongs clan is now already 6 months old and has grown loads. I love the pics, cause little Faris looks very similar to what my brother and I looked like when we were babies. My nickname was Miss Piggy then. I think Sweet Lips & Breeza are great improvements, ha ha! We are flying to Hamburg for a long weekend in October to visit the clan and I am already counting down…
The first pic is of my gran ‘Mamie’ & ‘Ponx’, my brother… if you haven’t guessed already.
Baby Faris.
Mamie, Faris, Oskar & Klara
Mum Ranja, Klari & little Faris in the background.