We finally had the soooo anticipated 20-week scan yesterday. The baby has now all its organs, brain, bones etc well formed and can now relax and just concentrate on putting some more weight on until birth (hmmm... not too much please!). We looked very intensly to find out the baby's sex because Col and I really wanted to know wether to speak to a girl or boy in there but the little one decided not to show its bits. It kept its legs firmly crossed with the umbilical nicely squeezed in between. Guess this could be a very good indication in itself, but who knows... The main thing is that the bub is healthy and judging by its kicks that I am now receiving esp in the mornings and evenings it is having a ball in there.
Other big news are that Col and I have both resigned from our jobs and are now in the process of planning our trip back to Oz. At the moment we are thinking to head back in mid-November but no flights have been booked yet as we are contemplating to fly via Houston (Texas) to visit Col's sister Wendy who is in labour as I am writing this.
Will keep you posted on the developments...
Great news all round you two! The baby knows who he is... We really loved finding out who Alex was on the day. Enjoy!
WOW...now I am excited.... the bed is being made as i speak... come forth mcilroy clan.. we welcome you back with open arms and of course will celebrate in true style (although it may need style it to more appropriate methods). xx
I'm with you guys Mark - it was great finding out on the day after the long slog!! Can't wait to see ya back here. Burgs x
Well...well... I think that I'm on the money that you kids are having a little girl as they tend to keep their legs closed and don't show their bits too easily - even in the womb :-) he he he.
But - as the other Fixers said - it's great to have a surprise on the day too - so enjoy the suspense and come back to us soon! My baby shower is on 23 Nov at 10:00am at the WATT (a brunch).
you'll be pretty fecund yourself by then and there'll be a few of us preggie ladies there on the day :-)
Ellie Wellie
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