Moved in...
We are slowly getting settled again in Brisbane. It is taking a little longer than we thought and we still havent started on the nursery yet but luckily we still have time on our side. Our new place is great and has a fantastic view over the city and the Paddington hills. Most nights we watch a storm building up and moving through the city. We still need to sort a kitchen table and outside furniture and the nursery stuff. We got a new family car (2nd hand Subaru Foreseter) yesterday so this should make shopping for furniture a lot easier as our primary car has been Col's Alfa, which just fits a chair or something similar in size.
We are now also sorted with Internet & landline again. I will send an email around with the new contact details... but we are definitively back on skype msn.
Wishing you all fantastic silly season. I will keep you posted with the gatherings over here.
Lots of love,
Col and Isa
Kate, Ellie, Shagga and Sally at the Powerhouse.
nice xmas tree dirty breeza.. very creative.
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